BMWK: Technology Transfer Lightweight Construction

Announcement for the promotion of research, development and innovation within the framework of the Technology Transfer Program Lightweight Construction (TTP LB)

Federal Gazette from 09.04.2020

Subject of the funding programme

Funding is to be provided for cross-industry, cross-technology and cross-material technology transfer projects in lightweight construction.
The funding priorities are supported in the following five thematic program lines:

1. technology development to strengthen the German economy in lightweight construction.

One funding priority is new technology developments as drivers for sustainable lightweight construction
The focus will be on specific development issues for integration and implementation in industrial
production processes. This includes the following thematic focus areas:

a) Digitization and automation

  • simulation-based development,
  • end-to-end digitized and/or automated process chains,
  • systematic approaches to evaluating the technology.

b) Sustainability and recycling

  • Approaches to integrating life cycle analysis (LCA) into product development,
  • the development of efficient processes for the high-quality recycling of lightweight materials.

c) Innovative design principles

2. CO2 savings and CO2 sequestration through the use of new construction techniques and materials.

  • new construction techniques and processes,
  • new materials.

3. CO2 savings through resource efficiency and substitution.

  • Development of processes to save resources – as early as the design stage, if possible,
  • Develop processes to increase the use of bionic structures,
  • the multiple use of resources,
  • the substitution of greenhouse gas-intensive resources.

4. demonstration project

  • Individual and collaborative projects that test a technology in an industry-oriented setting,
  • Pilot plants demonstrating real-world use of a system prototype.

5. standardization

  • Projects for the standardization of (hybrid) lightweight materials and technologies,
  • Developments of standardized measurement and testing methods for new lightweight materials and for the automation of processes,
  • Projects for data collection, verification and provision in appropriate databases,
  • preparatory activities for standards, standardization and conformity assessment procedures (e.g. certification).