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The office of the INPLAS competence network is managed by Carola Brand, managing director, and Jochen Borris, project leader. The office coordinates the networking of the important players in industrial plasma surface technology.
Competence Network INPLAS e.V.
c/o Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST
Riedenkamp 2
38108 Braunschweig
Companies and research institutions have joined forces in the Special Machinery and Plant Engineering Cluster (SMAB) to jointly promote Saxony-Anhalt as an investment location, organize specialist conferences and information events, further strengthen mutual cooperation in product developments and manufacturing cooperation, and intensify opportunities for training and continuing education with competent partners.
The cluster management supports these tasks, arranges contacts, develops projects, helps with international and national cooperations, advises on financing innovations or supports the procurement of personnel through cooperation with research and educational institutions.
For more information
The Joint European Committee on Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering – EJC/PISE is an expert group in the field of plasma and ion surface engineering. The selection of members takes into account the need to achieve a geographical and technical balance within Europe.
For more information, please visit:
The Haus der Wissenschaft hosts a variety of event series and projects, including the Kluge Köpfe initiative.
The initiative Kluge Köpfe für die Region Braunschweig (Smart Minds for the Braunschweig Region), consisting of representatives from companies, institutions and scientific facilities, develops strategies and measures to increase the attractiveness of the Braunschweig region for young specialists and executives.
For more information, please visit:
ITS mobility is a widely ramified, active network that profitably connects business and science.
More than 200 research institutions, industrial partners, small and medium-sized enterprises, associations, authorities and experts are members of our cluster. With sound industry knowledge, we initiate new ideas and promote them in a targeted manner.
For more information, please visit:
The IVAM Microtechnology Association is an international network with members from the fields of microtechnology, nanotechnology, new materials and photonics. IVAM supports small and medium-sized companies in particular in entering the market with innovative technologies and products, thus securing advantages in international competition. IVAM has been supporting companies and institutes from all over the world since 1995. One of the association’s key tasks is to create synergies and support members in sharing knowledge, collaborative projects and building contacts with each other and potential customers.
An overview of all members can be found online at http://ivam.de/members.
PLASMA Germany was founded in 1983 as a joint committee of meanwhile 9 sponsoring companies. The task of the committee is to promote scientific and technical cooperation between scientists, engineers and technicians from research and industry in the field of plasma-assisted surface treatment processes. In June 2007, INPLAS also became a supporting company of PLASMA Germany. Close technical cooperation takes place at the level of the working groups and specialist committees.
For more information, please visit:
PhotonicNet GmbH was founded in 2000 on the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Research (BMBF) as a regional competence network for optical technologies for Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. In the business units Technology Management, Marketing & Communication and Education & Training, we offer a versatile range of services: from consulting on questions of company formation, funding applications or patenting, to bringing together project partners, to initiatives in education and training, and accompanying internal and external communication. PhotonicNet is a member of OptecNet Deutschland e.V., the nationwide association of eight optical technology innovation networks. Here, the contents of the approximately 500 companies and research institutions are networked.
Since 2010 INPLAS has organized the annual conference “International Conference on High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS)” together with Sheffield Hallam University and the Fraunhofer IST. The conference will cover recent developments in sputtering technology using highly ionized plasmas. The conference will be held alternately in Sheffield (UK) and Braunschweig.
Entsprechend der Initiative „Kompetenznetze Deutschland” gibt es in Frankreich die Einrichtung der „Pôle de competitivité”. Zwischen dem führenden französischen Kompetenznetz im Bereich des Maschinenbaus, ViaMéca in Saint Étienne, und INPLAS existiert seit 2009 eine feste Partnerschaft.
In einem Kooperationsplan wurden u. a. die gegenseitige Aus- und Weiterbildung von Studenten und Fachleuten, bilaterale Workshops, ein regelmäßiger Austausch bzgl. Projektideen und der gemeinsame Auftritt auf Messen und Konferenzen festgelegt.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:
Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST Braunschweig
Applied Materials GmbH & Co KG
W & L Coating Systems GmbH Reichelsheim
“One added value of INPLAS is to bring together cross-industry experts along the respective value chains of various plasma technologies. The aim is to identify synergy effects relating to plasma as a tool and to make them jointly usable.”
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology e.V. (INP)
“INPLAS is the network that promotes synergies for surface modification along the value chain from research and development up to the user.“
Robert Bosch GmbH
“INPLAS offers a unique platform to connect experts in the field of plasma surface technology across industries and to promote exchange between research, development and application.”
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
“The intensive exchange between science and industry at eye level is an essential prerequisite both for the transfer of the latest research results into industrial practice and for the creation and expansion of technological understanding on the user side. To this end, INPLAS offers a valuable platform to strengthen and promote the targeted further development and industrial application of plasma surface technology.”