BMBF: European Security Research

Guideline for funding projects on “Pathways to Innovation – Supporting Future Applicants in European Security Research” within the framework of the program “The European Innovation Union – German Impetus for the European Research Area

Federal Gazette from 11.01.2021

Subject of the funding

Funding is provided for activities required for the preparation as well as the concrete elaboration of an EU application to Cluster 3 (in Pillar II of Horizon Europe). With the deadline in 2021, this is possible for the first time for the 2022 work program.

More information

The term of this funding guideline is limited to the date of expiry of its legal basis, the de minimis regulation, plus a transitional period of six months, i.e. until June 30, 2024.

Additional information can be found at the following link:

Announcement – BMBF